Monday, September 29, 2008

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Today in the House of Representatives (the voice of the people) voted down a bailout (or buyin) bill that would have placed the risk of toxic debt upon the shoulders of the American people. The people have been brow beaten and declared 'idiots unable to understand what is happening'. I don't know how many real people I have talked to that have said 'let it collapse' they've seen on live TV and read online and in the newspapers that this could cause a crunch in credit and possibly a depression. The president came on TV and said that this could cause a 'deep recession'. We saw it they told us it was going to happen and the people said so be it. The people have chosen freedom over bread.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I think we are being given a false choice.

The giant trillion dollar plan being discussed in Washington this very moment is supposed to be a plan to save us from ourselves yet again. We are being given a false choice we are faced with either a)collapse b)bi-partisan approved fascism. We aren’t being given any other choices. I’m not talking about jack boot minority killing fascism I am talking about the Il Duce keeping the trains on time fascism. The fascism America has been dabbling since the FDR administration. Now I don’t expect uneducated people to understand what I mean- I know it sounds horrid but its true. Since WWII the profit has been private but the risk has been made public many times and this time it is just extremely apparent. The United States economy is about to take a hefty toke off of the big tax funded dooby. Sure it will give it a buzz but after a while the problems will be back and a bigger and more expensive drug will be needed. No I’m not a Ron Paul voter and I’m going to vote for McCain because the Republican party is by far the least fascist (though more militant). What in the fuck can we do about this should we just take the hit and live and learn or should we pull yet another load onto the already over loaded ship of state? Will we chose to lose that last load so we can correct our course or are we going to risk sinking in the long run.